Main Street-New Providence, PA
By Ann HeppermannWe roll up and down the hills through Amish country, Lancaster County. It’s a very slow day on Main Street but we’re moving fast, trying to hit as many Main Streets as possible. This is a funny way to travel. Quick stop, get out of the car, take pictures. Lots of “Where are we?” I want to know what the trees are. We almost miss Main Street—New Providence
We take a left, and here we are on a residential Main Street. No commerce. No businesses trying to revitalize. People just living – living inside their houses. No one is out on their porches. Where are the people? In Church? Just us.
We’re at the corner of Main Street and Pennsy Road.

Main Street New Providence, PA.
Wait, turn around. Did you see that porch? There was a hand-written sign on it. “Office of Aging ARE Legalized Terrorists.”

A sign on a porch on Main Street in New Providence, PA.
The house seems abandoned. But there’s a name on the mailbox. It’s Janet B. and George F. in New Providence, Pennsylvania. I guess they don’t like old people.
We probably look odd, running around taking pictures of signs, cemeteries and a guy mowing a lawn without wearing a shirt.
It’s Memorial Day Weekend so red, white and blue bunting and flags everywhere. This is a residential Main Street. There is a farm across the street from a post office – United States Post office New Providence Pennsylvanian 17560. There are a few Amish buggies in people’s yards. We take a picture of the field.

A field in New Providence, PA
Time to leave this Main Street. Time to say Good bye to Pennsylvania.
Bye Pennsylvania, bye Pennsylvania, bye Pennsylvania
Hi Maryland, hi Maryland, hi Maryland!
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