Main Street-Chattanooga, Chattanooga Community Kitchen
By Ann HeppermannThe Chattanooga Community Kitchen is one of the primary homeless centers in Chattanooga. It’s a few blocks north of Main Street, right next to the railroad tracks. On our first day there, we meet Br. Ron Fender.

Br. Ron Fender, a case manager at the Chattanooga Community Kitchen.
Br. Ron Fender is an Episcopal monk with the Gregorian brothers. He’s lived in Chattanooga for the past seven years. He walks down Main Street, ministering to the homeless people there. He loves Main Street, but he also sees the misery first hand.
“For me, Main Street is a sad place.”
He’s seen some horrific things: a homeless man died in his arms, he’s helped a young boy who was being prostituted by his parents for crack, he witnessed babies living in the woods just off of Main Street.
Yet Br. Ron still finds hope and humanity here. He is a man with an overflowing amount of compassion for the down and out, yet Br. Ron is not a pushover. Part of his vow as a Gregorian monk, he says, “is to live dangerously through his ministry.” Br. Ron faces danger everyday on this Main Street, and he does not back down.