Main Street-Wardensville, WV
By Ann Heppermann
West Virginia
We’re on our way to West Virginia. There is no cell phone service. Our biggest fear right now are coal trucks barreling down the road, ready to take out our little overstuffed Subaru. We’re really climbing now. Apparently Virginia is the top of the roller coaster and West Virginia is the descent.
We pull onto Main Street in Wardensville, WV.
We decide to have lunch at the Kac Ka Pon restaurant. First time for sweet tea, pulled pork and pickled beets.

The Kac Ka Pon restaurant on Main Street in Wardensville, WV.
After lunch, I head over to the Wardensville Cemetery. There are confederate flags everywhere to commemorate fallen Confederate soldiers.
Noah Funkhouser CO1 18 VA CAV CSA
John J. Keller b. 1817 d.1887
JM Lockart b.1827 d. 1920

The cemetery on Main Street in Wardensville, West Virginia.
Kara’s parked the car at the Barr’s Market on Main Street and is inside talking with the cashier. Outside it’s the Pepsi Soda Machine Challenge. Both are broken. Both lose.
The young woman’s family bought the place two months ago. “Things are good here. We’re doing well.” The produce tells a different story. Garlic, with green shoots, mold on the peaches.
A woman walks in and can’t afford the ice cream. “Oh, don’t worry. You can pay for it later.” The woman puts it back anyways.